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While I prefer and stick to OpenBSD most often these days (and thus doas(1)): I still support sudo on Linux for work (as well as on OSX for my work workstation).

This is simply to make some notes of style-guide and some fun "Gotchas" that I've encountered along the way with sudo.





Provided users with the ability to modify zone files on an antique DNS system (via sudo). They'll be editing files in /var/named/master and can ls, grep, vi, rcsdiff, co, & ci any files within that directory; however, their users cannot read into /var/named/master/ otherwise.


A user tried to do the following - in order to find any DNS/TXT record where the MAC address of a device was noted:

sudo /bin/grep '52:54:00' /var/named/master/*

Seems reasonable, right? This System Administrator has the permissions to run /bin/grep with any arguments on this machine. So why didn't this work? Instead, the user received the error:

grep: /var/named/master/*: No such file or directory


What ends up being passed to sudo is:

COMMAND=/bin/grep 52:54:00 /var/named/master/*

Here, the shell-glob provided to this bash session in: "/var/named/master/*" was expanded at the user-level before the command is handed-to sudo. Shell globs are always evaluated first and this must be considered with sudo.

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When command doesn't exist


Provided a remote user the ability to run /usr/sbin/dmidecode with particular arguments.


User could not run that command with those arguments. Listing available-commands-on-host with "sudo -u user -l" showed the command as allowed.


The command of /usr/sbin/dmidecode was indeed allowed to be run on these OpenBSD hosts by our _nrpe user; however, the command lives in /usr/local/sbin/dmidecode (which was also explicitly listed in the policy).

Since the other team's code was referencing only /usr/sbin/dmidecode (which does not exist) - the command was refused.

Final: I wish sudo used an error more akin to "command not present" or "no such file" rather than:

Jan 24 08:26:34 randommachine sudo:    _nrpe : command not allowed ; TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/sbin/dmidecode -s bios-release-date

Of course, none of this would have mattered if they'd a) checked path in their code b) properly done a sudo -l /usr/sbin/dmidecode -s bios-release-date and verified its output (even if just with &&) before trying to run it with that path.

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Negating Spaces in wildcards


User wants to be able to run /usr/bin/yum install myproject-* where * is the ever-changing version/sub/path number


If user is provided with:

user host=(root) /usr/bin/yum install myproject-*

They would be able to call: "sudo -u root /usr/bin/yum install myproject-*" they would also be able to install non-approved software via: "sudo -u root /usr/bin/yum install myproject-1.21 nmap openssh-server", etc.


Initial diagnosis points to removing the ability to use space in the glob. This appears to be able to be done by negating the character field with [!\ ] or [! ]. However, since more characters are needed, the * is still necessary, which would result in something like:

user host=(root) /usr/bin/yum install myproject-[! ]*

While that appears reasonable and would work for a true regular expression, in glob-form that still would allow the user to pass in "myproject-1.2 nmap", etc.

True Fix

In order to support the development cycle for this user, instead we allow their wildcard/glob match, but then specifically also deny the ability to call the same with a space anywhere in it:

user host=(root) /usr/bin/yum install myproject-*, ! /usr/bin/yum install myproject-*[ ]*

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Dangerous Commands

Basic danger: cp

So it's well known that giving root-access to use "cp" is extremely dangerous with sudo, but to review, a quick example:

$ sudo -l
User may run the following commands on this host:
(root) /usr/local/bin/
(root) /bin/cp
$ sudo cp /usr/local/etc/backupconfig.cfg /usr/local/etc/backupconfig.cfg.old
$ sudo cp /usr/local/etc/ /usr/local/etc/backupconfig.cfg

While we may all agree this is not preferred, likely you can recognize that things similar to this exist in many machines. Now for the problem:

$ sudo cp /usr/local/bin/ /tmp/.hidden
$ sudo cp /bin/bash /usr/local/bin/
$ sudo /usr/local/bin/
$ sudo cp /tmp/.hidden /usr/local/bin/

...and privilege escalation!

Certainly the above was just possible because the user could also run, right?

$ sudo -l
User may run the following commands on this host:
(root) /bin/cp
$ cat ~/my-custom-sudoers
myuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: ALL
$ sudo cp ~/my-custom-sudoers /etc/sudoers

...and privilege escalation!

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